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THIS SUNDAY - We are wrapping up our series, Living Out The Beatitudes. We will be looking at Jesus’ teaching regarding loving our enemies. This seems to be one of the most difficult commands in all of Scripture - is it possible to do? Come join us in person at 10:00 am or online at: Church Online.

CANADA DAY OFFICE CLOSED - On Monday, July 1st it is Canada Day, hence the church and office will be CLOSED that day. If you need anything or need any assistance that cannot wait, please email and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

NO SUNDAY SCHOOL - Now that we are in the summer months, there will be NO Sunday school until the fall, Sunday, September 1st. Additionally, we will be providing activity packs for the children that will be provided after worship time. If you need help finding an activity pack for your child, ask Chelsea Martin or one of the ushers to help you locate one. 

BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN - “This Sunday, June 30th, marks the completion of the Caring Ministry’s Benevolence Initiative - the ‘Baby Bottle Campaign’ to raise funds for P.G. Hope for Women. Thank you to each one who either filled up a physical baby bottle with cash or a cheque, who donated online directly to P.G. Hope for Women, OR who donated funds to CFBC’s Benevolent Fund during May and June!! All funds donated in May and June will be donated directly to PG Hope for Women. Compassion Matters!

MEMBERSHIP - If you are interested in membership or have questions as to what membership is all about, please speak with someone from the Leadership Team. To put it briefly, membership fulfils our obligation as a non-profit, but more importantly, it speaks to our commitment to one another and allows each member to hold one another accountable to biblical principles. 

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - At the Heritage Free Presbyterian Church located at 4020 Balsum Road in Prince George will be having a vacation bible school. It will be held Monday to Friday, August 12th to 16th from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. It will include bible lessons, music, games, and arts & crafts. To register please call pastor Andrew 250-962-8232.

YFC GARAGE SALE - YFC Prince George's annual garage sale is coming soon! Here are some ways you can help raise funds for young people in Prince George!
1.Donate something to the Garage Sale! YFC will come pick stuff up or you can drop it off at The Upper Room Youth Centre (upstairs at Fort George Baptist Church). Just e-mail to arrange a time.
2.Come out to the Upper Room Youth Centre on July 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and find a treasure to take home! Most things will be by donation, with all proceeds going to help youth in Prince George! Want to help on the day? If you can help on July 13 (or anytime) e-mail

CFBC NEWSLETTER - If you know of someone new to the church, ask them if they signed up for our newsletter. Which can help them stay up to date with the church events and updates. Let them know they can sign up by talking to Chelsea Martin or by emailing 

NESS LAKE BIBLE CAMP NEEDS HELP - For this coming year's summer camps, Ness Lake needs volunteers to step into many different roles for their three camps running between July 14th-19th, Aug 11th-16th, and Aug 18th-23rd. If you feel it is on your heart to help guide children towards Christ you can apply by Clicking Here.

GIVING - Generosity has little to do with how much you have.  It has everything to do with the attitude of your heart and your faithful obedience to God. Generosity is one of those perspective-altering things…when we focus on the needs of others, we become less selfish and happier.  When you only think about the things you don’t have or how miserable things are, it’s tough not to feel bad. But when you think about God’s goodness and grace, despite our own mess-ups, our perspective changes. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.

Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason