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THIS SUNDAY - Stephen Swan from Youth for Christ will be focusing on the topic: God with us. While reading through the scripture Exodus 25:1-8. Please come join us  in person at 10 a.m. or watch online at Church Online.

JOB OPPORTUNITY - We are in need of someone to step up to the role of Janitor for the end of this coming June. If anyone is interested or would know someone who would be interested in the job please reach out to the office for more information.  

CARING MINISTRY UPDATE - For the entirety of the month of April, the Caring Ministry at CFBC has set as its Benevolence Initiative blessing the Prince George Seniors Program “Meals on Wheels”. Would you prayerfully consider donating a little extra directly to the CFBC Benevolence Fund during the month? This is a greatly needed and utilised program within our community that serves low-income seniors as well as shut-in individuals who have mobility challenges. Your grace-filled generosity can aid so many! Thank you for being the silent hands and feet of Jesus!! 

MUELLER UPDATE - Hooray! The triplets have made it safely into this world and the family is well and enjoying their wonderful new additions to their family. If you would like to contribute to the Mueller family, the meal train is still in need of people to sign up as there are 5 slots open in the month of May still. Register Here.

NURSERY & CLUB DJ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – We need some certified plan to protect volunteers for the nursery (blessing place) during Sunday services and Club DJ, which is a kids' evening program on Tuesday nights from 6-8 pm that entails bible memorization, crafts, games, and Bible stories for ages 5-12. There will be a signup sheet going around during Sunday Services, if you have any questions, please email the office or Emilie Dorie

NESS LAKE MEN’S CAMP AVERAGE GAMES ADDITION -  Men's camp registration is open! Mark your calendars and get your buddies together for a weekend of being average! Register here.
Date: Fri May 3 (arrive after supper) to Sun May 5 (depart after lunch)
Age: Men aged 12 years and up (all campers under 19 years must be accompanied by an adult)
Theme: The Average Games Edition! Come test your skills and compete against other average joe's!
Cost includes meals (and accommodations for weekend campers):
 $155/ea early bird rate ($170/ea after Apr 3) for the weekend
$95/ea early bird rate ($105/ea after Apr 3) for Saturday only
4 inspiring speakers will lead us through our sessions this year: Micah Brookhart, Dan Hoffman, Joel Carlaw & Steve Wilson

GIVING - We are so grateful for everyone who gives because you make all of this…the seen and the unseen…possible.  THANK YOU for your generosity. THANK YOU for helping us be a loving community of growing followers of Jesus, guiding others to find, love and serve Him. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.

Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason