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THIS SUNDAY -  In our series, Discipleship In Community, we will be looking at Luke 9:18-27 and examining the question Jesus poses: “Who Do You Say That I Am?” With that question Jesus adds a challenging lifestyle of self denial and cross bearing - why would anyone want to follow Jesus?  Come join us in person at 10:00am or online at:  Church Online.

UKRAINIAN SINGING & BOOK SIGNING - This Sunday, September 22nd we have a treat for you all after the service! We have two Ukrainian singers that have agreed to serenade us with three classical songs. As well as our very own member Monica Murphy will be in the foyer after the service for a book signing with her new book: Wats, Wadis, and Waterfalls. Come enjoy the music and help us support one of our own with her new book! 

BAPTISM - on October 6th there will be a baptism, followed by communion and a potluck so please come out and celebrate with us as another life is transformed by the power of Jesus!

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Will be held on October 27th after the service. This is a time when we reflect on the previous ministry year, vote on the upcoming budget, and celebrate what Christ will be doing in the coming year. Reminder for the ministry coordinators to start getting their information together as we will need your ministry reports by October 1st!

SMALL GROUPS - We will be passing around the sign-up sheet for small groups this coming Sunday. We hope you will consider joining a group to be in community and lead life within discipleship.

YOUTH GROUP - We are excited to announce our initial plans to engage with our youth at CFBC.  This will start with a Youth Class run on Sunday mornings on a one-month-on and one-month-off schedule.  This time together is meant to help bridge being in Sunday School to actively participating in our church family. 

When?  Youth will be dismissed after worship on October 13, 20, 27, and November 3rd.  Following these 4 weeks, Youth will be expected to re-join with the adult service.  The next month 'on' will be in December.  

Who? We will define youth as being too old for Sunday School till the end of grade 12.  Practically speaking, this means it is for grades 7 to 12 students.  

Goals - There are many goals for starting a group like this.  Some of the primary ones on our mind would include. Developing community amongst others in their peer group and fostering mentoring relationships with older generations. To grow in ownership of their faith journey. Challenging Youth to use their gifts by engaging in service of the Church body and their communities. Helping Youth to bridge to adult participation in small groups and corporate worship.

My Youth is serving during one of our meeting times - If a youth is scheduled to serve in Sunday School/Worship/Propresenter, etc - they should NOT cancel. We want to encourage service, so they are meeting one of our primary goals for the group! They can attend whenever they are not serving in other capacities.  

MEMBERSHIP  - If you are interested in membership or have questions as to what membership is all about, please speak with someone from the Leadership Team. To put it briefly, membership fulfils our obligation as a non-profit, but more importantly it speaks to our commitment to one another and allows each member to hold one another accountable to biblical principles. 

FRIEND-RAISING DESSERT NIGHT - QUESNEL & PG - Save the date(s)! NLBC loves to have a good time, and we will gather in Quesnel on November 1st and in PG on November 8th and hope you will join us for a time of connection, stories and laughs as we celebrate all that we are blessed to be a part of and look ahead to what The Lord has in store for us. More details to follow in due course - we recommend following us on social media or stay tuned to your church bulletins for more details in the coming weeks.

WOMEN’S WEEKEND - Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, We are thrilled to announce that our annual Women's Weekend session is taking place Oct 18th to 20th at NLBC and registration will open Thursday, Aug 22nd! This year we have brought back "Unplugged!" which is a half day extra session on the Friday before the rest of Women's Weekend begins. If you would like and more information can be found on our website.

WORSHIP NEEDED - We are in need of some vocalists, a drummer & pianist for CFBC.  If you know someone who can step up to the role please let us know. Feel free to email the office or talk to Patti Smith, our Worship Ministry Coordinator. 

CFBC NEWSLETTER - If you know of someone who is new to the church, ask them if they signed up for our newsletter? Which can help them stay up to date with the church events and updates. Let them know they can sign up by talking to Chelsea Martin or by emailing 

GIVING - One of the ways that we respond in faith to God’s grace and God’s goodness is in the area of generosity. When we give sacrificially, even in ways that don’t make sense in the eyes of the world, we’re honouring God with faith. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.

Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason