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THIS SUNDAY - We are beginning a new series: Discipleship in Community. We will be speaking about our vision for the fall and coming year as we seek to live out the call to disciple one another and build community together. Come join us in person at 10:00 am or online at: Church Online.

KICKOFF SUNDAY & POTLUCK LUNCH - Will be Sunday, September 15th. Come celebrate with us as we kick off a new ministry year. We will have a BBQ and potluck lunch after the service, so please mark your calendars! Please contribute by bringing an appetiser, salad or dessert as the main course will be BBQ burgers. 

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Will be held on October 27th after the service. This is a time when we reflect on the previous ministry year, vote on the upcoming budget, and celebrate what Christ will be doing in the coming year. Reminder for the ministry coordinators to start getting their information together as we will need your ministry reports by October 1st!

FRIEND-RAISING DESSERT NIGHT - QUESNEL & PG - Save the date(s)! NLBC loves to have a good time, and we will gather in Quesnel on November 1st and in PG on November 8th we hope you will join us for a time of connection, stories and laughs as we celebrate all that we are blessed to be a part of and look ahead to what The Lord has in store for us. More details to follow in due course - we recommend following us on social media or staying tuned to your church bulletins for more details in the coming weeks.

WOMEN’S WEEKEND - Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, we are thrilled to announce that our annual Women's Weekend session is from Oct 18th to 20th at NLBC and registration will open Thursday, Aug 22nd! This year we have brought back "Unplugged!" which is a half-day extra session on the Friday before the rest of Women's Weekend begins. If you would like more information can be found on our website.

WORSHIP NEEDED - We need some vocalists, a drummer & pianist for CFBC.  If you know someone who can step up to the role please let us know. Feel free to email the office or talk to Patti Smith, our Worship Ministry Coordinator.

CFBC NEWSLETTER - If you know of someone new to the church, ask them if they signed up for our newsletter? Which can help them stay up to date with the church events and updates. Let them know they can sign up by talking to Chelsea Martin or by emailing 

GIVING - One of the ways that we respond in faith to God’s grace and God’s goodness is in the area of generosity. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.

Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason