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THIS SUNDAY -  What does it mean to “Worry Like Jesus?” Did Jesus worry? What did he teach about worry and anxiety? Read Luke 12:22-34 in preparation and think through different ways in which you spend your time worrying. Come join us in person at 10:00am or online at: Church Online.

KICKOFF SUNDAY - Will be Sunday, September 15th. Come celebrate with us as we kick off a new ministry year. We will be having a potluck lunch after the service, so please mark your calendars! We would like to know what you’ve been up to this summer, please email your pictures to the office before the kick-off.

FINANCIAL UPDATE for the General Fund
General Fund Sep 01/23 - Jun 30/24
 Revenue:        $181,144
 Expenses:       $140,034
 Net Income:      $41,110

SUMMER PHOTOS - We are already at the end of July, meaning all of you have been off on your summer vacations/adventures. We would love for you to send us photos over the summer by September 8th as we will be creating a slideshow for Kick-off Sunday. 

THIS SUMMER - The Leadership Team would like to encourage everyone to try and stay connected this summer however you are recreating. It’s important to remember the need for connection and fellowship even as we enjoy God’s good creation. 

WORSHIP LEADERS NEEDED - We need some worship leaders for CFBC, currently, we have lost a couple of people for various reasons. If you know someone who can step up to the role, please let us know. Feel free to email the office or talk to Patti Smith, our Worship Ministry Coordinator. 

MEMBERSHIP - If you are interested in membership or have questions as to what membership is all about, please speak with someone from the Leadership Team. To put it briefly, membership fulfils our obligation as a non-profit, but more importantly, it speaks to our commitment to one another and allows each member to hold one another accountable to biblical principles. 

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - At the Heritage Free Presbyterian Church located at 4020 Balsum Road in Prince George will be having a vacation bible school. It will be held Monday to Friday, August 12th to 16th from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. It will include bible lessons, music, games, and arts & crafts. To register please call pastor Andrew at 250-962-8232.

CFBC NEWSLETTER - If you know of someone new to the church, ask them if they signed up for our newsletter. Which can help them stay up to date with the church events and updates. Let them know they can sign up by talking to Chelsea Martin or by emailing 

GIVING - For God so loved the world that He gave…Giving is an act of love. We give because God first loved us and he freely offers us salvation.  Your donation helps us spread the message of God’s love. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.

Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason