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THIS SUNDAY - We will be jumping back into our series in Galatians. In Chapter 4:21-31 Paul uses the example of Hagar and Sarah as to how we can fall into slavery, or conversely, how we can choose to accept the freedom offered to us. Come join us in person at 10 a.m. or watch online at Church Online.

CHRISTMAS CONTEST - 'Tis the season to send in your best Christmas pictures of yourselves embracing the holiday spirit. Send in your photos by January 7th, to the office email and possibly win a prize. The winner will be announced on Sunday, January 14th 2024. 

Sept. 01 to Nov. 30, 2023
Revenue: $76,790
Expenses: $43,054
Revenue - Expenses: $33,736

DISCIPLESHIP PLAN  - The Leadership Team is excited to announce that they have completed a document detailing CFBC’s plan for discipleship. There will be copies made available on Sunday morning at the back table - if you have questions or would like to discuss further, please speak with a LT member!

MINISTRY COORDINATORS MEETING - Please keep all the ministry coordinators in your prayers. We will be meeting on January 17th for some prayer and discussion. 

WELCOME CARDS - Are you new to CFBC? During Sunday Services we will have our new ‘welcome cards’ displayed on the table in the sanctuary next to the sound booth for you to fill out your information so that we can add you to our church’s database. This will allow you to stay on top of events and updates and be a part of the CFBC family. 

MARRIAGE RETREAT 2024 - Is open for registration!  A weekend for you and your spouse to spend quality time together, uninterrupted, with wonderful meals, no dishes to do and fantastic sessions with Christian speakers Ryan & Jenn Walter! Each couple gets a cabin (or private room in a lodge) to themselves.  You can register for the full weekend with accommodations, full weekend no accommodations or Saturday only.  This event takes place January 26th to 28th! Get all the details about this year's speakers and register here.

GIVING - For God so loved the world that He gave…Giving is an act of love. We give because God first loved us and he freely offers us salvation.  Your donation helps us spread the message of God’s love. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.

Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason