THIS SUNDAY - We’re continuing our short series: Biblical Portraits. This week we will be looking at King Saul - what was so bad about him? Why was he rejected as King? Is there something that each of us needs to watch for with his example? Come join us in person at 10:00am or online at: Church Online.
General Fund Sep 01/24 - Dec 31/24
Revenue: $68,013.70
Expenses: $57,661.63
Net Income: $10,352.07
CFBC VALUES - One of the things that we value at CFBC is prayer, and we know that prayer can take many forms, including praise, thanksgiving, confession and petitions. What does your prayer life look like? Does it need improvement? How can we as a church family incorporate prayer in a more meaningful way into our lives both individually as well as corporately?
ROKEBY'S MISSION UPDATE - One of the great ways to keep warm here in winter is to eat nabe. Nabe is a Japanese stew loaded with meat, vegetables, tofu, and other seasonal ingredients. Usually, the stew pot is heated at the dinner table using a butane stove. Such warm and comforting food is a great meal to share with others. Some of the moms from John's kindergarten recently invited Tanja to a nabe party. Tanja had a great time, and Andrew was happy when Tanja decided to try her hand at making nabe later that week. Tanja continues to build connections with these moms and speak the Gospel into the conversation when the Spirit presents opportunities. Read More Click Here.
TAX RECEIPT UPDATE - The CRA has advised that January and February 2025 receipts can be included in 2024 tax returns and that this will be approved when parliament resumes. Therefore, CFBC will issue tax receipts for January to December 2024 and then again for January to February 2025. It will be your choice if you wish to claim the January and February 2025 amounts in your 2024 tax return. To complete donation receipts, we need to make sure everyone's contact information is correct. Thus, if you have moved, changed your phone number, or modified your email address, please let the CFBC office know ASAP. We will issue your receipt by email if we have your current email address on file. If you would prefer a hard copy of your receipt, please let the office know. - Doug Gairns, Treasurer
CARING MINISTRY UPDATE - “CFBC’s CARING MINISTRY Benevolence Initiative for February 2025 has been set! All donations made to CFBC’s Benevolence Fund will be sent to The Phoenix Transition Society. The Phoenix Transition House is a domestic violence shelter. Phoenix Transition Society offers a variety of programs and supports to women and children within the Prince George Community and surrounding areas. Your gift of caring generosity brings the gift of safety and peace to the lives of women and children in times of crisis. Thank you for considering how you might bless them. ”- BG
HONDURAS MISSIONS TRIP - FEBRUARY 4 TO 12TH: Please pray for the team as they head to Honduras for another outreach. There will be three people from Prince George (Doug Gairns & Wendy Graham from CFBC, and Karen Kerbrat from another local church). As well, there are three from the Edmonton area that will be joining. Please pray that the short time in Honduras will be fruitful for God’s kingdom, that travel will go smoothly, and that the team will stay safe and healthy throughout their time there.
YOUTH GROUP - This coming February Youth Class will start to run on Sunday mornings, for grades 7-12, on a one-month-on and one-month-off schedule. This time together is meant to help bridge being in Sunday School to actively participating in our church family.
CFBC NEWSLETTER - If you know of someone who is new to the church, ask them if they signed up for our newsletter? Which can help them stay up to date with the church events and updates. Let them know they can sign up by talking to Chelsea Martin or by emailing
MEMBERSHIP - If you are interested in membership or have questions as to what membership is all about, please speak with someone from the Leadership Team. To put it briefly, membership fulfils our obligation as a non-profit, but more importantly it speaks to our commitment to one another and allows each member to hold one another accountable to biblical principles.
GIVING is a form of worship. It’s a way that we say thanks to God and serve our community. But it’s also a matter of perspective – keeping us grounded in the things that really matter. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or online at
Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason