THIS SUNDAY - Steve Wilson will be sharing the Word with us with a message titled: Direction In Troubled Times. Read John 14:1- 6 in preparation and join us in person at 10:00 am or online at Church Onlines.
DONATION RECEIPTS FOR JANUARY - December 2024 were emailed on February 8. If we do not have your email address, you can pick up your receipt from the information booth on Sunday, February 16 or at the office during office hours. Any receipts that are not picked up by February 26 will be put in the mail. Please contact Ester Wiens ( or Doug Gairns if you have any questions.
PASTOR JASON - will be out of the office this week. Pray for safety as Jason & Erin travel down to Vancouver to have some dental work done for Hannah, and please contact the Leadership Team if there is an urgent need.
BLESSING PLACE - Blessing place (staffed nursery) is now open for anyone wanting to drop off their babies under 2 years old with our trained volunteers. Make sure to fill out a registration form if it’s their first time and sign in with the volunteers on staff.
LIVING BY DESIGN WEEKEND COURSE - We have a new program that will be running at our church this coming month called Living by Design - live on purpose. Discover your God-given design and get equipped with tools to intentionally engage his unique purpose for your life. The course will run Friday, February 28th 19:00 to 21:30; Saturday 9:00 to 18:00; and Sunday, March 2nd 14:00 to 18:00 with a lunch provided on Saturday with refreshments. To register for more info contact Joel Baerg at Email Joel Here
CONTACT LIST - If you are new to the church in the last year, we are currently in the middle of updating our church family list with your contact info (official member or consistent church attendee). Please either email us back with your email address, phone number, and full mailing address or to tell Chelsea on Sunday. For long-term members at your church, have you moved recently in the last couple years and let the church know your new address? If unsure please check with Chelsea.
CFBC VALUES - One of our stated values as a church family is “Dependence on God”. What does it look like in your daily life to depend upon God? What about as a larger church family? Can you think of one or two ways in which you’ve had to depend upon God this last week and bring it to our prayer time this Sunday?
YOUTH GROUP - This coming February Youth Class will start to run on Sunday mornings, for grades 7-12, on a one-month-on and one-month-off schedule. This time together is meant to help bridge being in Sunday School to actively participating in our church family.
CFBC NEWSLETTER - If you know of someone who is new to the church, ask them if they signed up for our newsletter? Which can help them stay up to date with the church events and updates. Let them know they can sign up by talking to Chelsea Martin or by emailing
MEMBERSHIP - If you are interested in membership or have questions as to what membership is all about, please speak with someone from the Leadership Team. To put it briefly, membership fulfils our obligation as a non-profit, but more importantly, it speaks to our commitment to one another and allows each member to hold one another accountable to biblical principles.
GIVING is a form of worship. It’s a way that we say thanks to God and serve our community. But it’s also a matter of perspective – keeping us grounded in the things that really matter. You can place your gifts in the donation box in the foyer or use the debit machine there. You can also give via eTransfers or online at Give Online.
Pastor Jason McAllister | Email Jason